Enlightenment is basically waking up
Realizing all your life you have been getting scammed
Left right and center
Scammed by your relationships, scammed by your job, scammed by Con artists
Enlightenment is basically waking up and realizing
I now have realized life for what it is
Everything is a scam
Crypto is a scam
Media a scam
Internet is a scam
Stocks are scam
Inflation is a scam
This lottery is a scam
and say, never will I ever be scammed of anything
If i partake in this scam it will be consciously
Or I wont at all
Because you then realize this very crucial detail
That you have to be a scam yourself
In some way
To pay the bills
Keep the lights on
renew your Netflix subscription (Which is a scam)
You realize the world is full of people selling you a scam
From the President of NBA,
To the President of your country
And everything in between!
One such scam we all need to Partake in is….you guessed it
Money is a scam we all bought into
It was a scam I was born into
But not my parents
They saw the last of the good times
When money had real value
When it was backed by something real
Something TANGIBLE
Today your money is backed by the air you breathe
It’s basically free
And it is a scam the majority of the planet believes in
Forget God of Religion
Forget Science
Forget Technology
Money makes all of the above go round
Money is closest to God in todays world
And that is a real shame
Because that God is nothing but a scam
One might say,
“well money is valuable because it aids in Science”
For what?
“The progress of human life. Now humans live till 90, our ancestors used to live till 40 max”
So What?
What are you going to do by living on earth for 50 more years?
Drink more alcohol?
Have more sex?
Scam more people?
A doctor might feel a certain sense of pride in being one. And as he is a doctor, he works for money (which if i have not mentioned already is a scam)
He might feel a sense of pride in extending a patients life
“Look at me!”
“I saved his life, because of me he did not die at 60”
But he died at 70
You just aided his delayed death by 10 years
Want a pat on the back?
Again why is saving human lives considered a noble thing?
Why is it accepted widely?
Not saying we should run around killing people?
I certainly wouldn’t want that for myself
But why feel a sense of pride in delaying the inevitable
How many other times was the doctor responsible in expediting it?
if you saved 5 lives but took 6 (by accident of course)
Are you liable?
If not, why should you be praised for saving anybody?
Was your contribution to this world net positive or net negative?
Only you know the truth
And if it was net negative, you know deep down in your heart
A scam was involved
Enlightenment might make you cry, happy, depressed
To be honest it matters not the least
What is important is to you
What are you going to do next?
Are you going to get to scamming?
Or you are going to partake in it just enough just to atleast leave with your sense of “morality” intact? (Morality is a scam btw)
Or you are going to exit the race?
Or go back to getting scammed?
because truth be told
till the day of the inevitable
so what are you going to do?